Run by - Dayaram Patel Smarak Trust, Dharni
Permanently Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati (MS)
Shri Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya Dharni
श्री वसंतराव नाईक महाविद्यालय धारणी

Amravati-444702, Maharashtra India
NAAC - Accredatation with 'B' Grade-CGPA-2.45 Valid Period From 03/07/2018 to 02/07/2023
AISHE Code - C-42854

Departments of Science

Department of Chemistry
The department of chemistry, Shri Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya Dharni, established in the year 2002, conducts choice based credit system CBCC) 6 semester course in chemistry with other 2 elective subjects.Since inception of the department, over more than 2000 students pursued their bachelor degree.

Department of Physics
The department of Physics is established in 2002. We offer three-year (semester pattern) degree course in physics. AS per SGBAU guidelines CBCS system is also Implemented by parent university from 2022 - 23. We have highly qualified faculty members (Three assistant professors) with great academic excellence

Department of Mathematics
The department of Mathematics for undergraduate courses came into existence in 2002, affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University. The Department has encountered, experienced and dedicated 02 faculty members. The department is imparting quality education in the field of Mathematics.

Department of Botany
The Department of Botany offers Undergraduate teaching and Ph.D. Programmes.. More than 200 students are admitted to the B. Sc. I, II, and III Year Classes. At the moment, two scholars are engaged doctoral research. The Department now has 02 laboratories for B. Sc. and Research, as well as a museum, glass house, and herbarium.

Department of Zoology
The department of Zoology is established in 2002. We offer three-year (semester pattern) degree course in physics. AS per SGBAU guidelines CBCS system is also Implemented by parent university from 2022 - 2023. We have highly qualified faculty members (Two assistant professors) with great academic excellence.